2 Hour Guided Breath Session

with Michael Brian Baker

Aired Jan. 27, 2022
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One of science's most powerful healing modalities, in the privacy of your own home.

Ancient Eastern Pranayama (Breath & Energy Expansion) Methods and South American Shamanism are utilized to kindle the process of awakening conscious awareness. The combination of gentle, humor-based guidance, sound technique and refined ritual create the opportunity for attendees to experience fresh mindsets, integrated moments of peace, inner connectedness, & inspiration.

Facilitated by founder of The Breath Center & creator of The Anatomy of Awakening Training Program, Michael Brian Baker


Session includes:

  • Inspirational and evidence-based teachings relevant to well-being during times of global and personal transition
  • Detailed instructions and tutorial of one accessible Pranayama practice for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefit
  • Guided, active Pranayama meditation practiced laying down
  • Supplemental music and sound healing techniques
  • Extended resting period for restoration and integration
  • Video + MP3 recording (streaming + file download) of instructions, guided breath session, & integration

Open to individuals of all levels and belief systems, no experience required.